This is a notice about the sale of BALLOON T SHIRT's +81 bespoke item.
The half-sleeve T is a classic is-ness item that allows you to enjoy changing the silhouette by tightening the hem spindle.
It features a relaxing oversilhouette typical of is-ness.
Not only the design, but also the color scheme of all three colors, this T-shirt was completed after listening to +81's selfishness.
The + motif on the back is also a feature.
The + motif on the back is also a feature.
I would be happy if everyone could wear it as a summer uniform.
▼Sales schedule
7.16 sun. 13:00-
Limited sale at +81SHOP
Limited sale at +81SHOP
ONLINE STORE sales are undecided.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us here .