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Product code

Product comment
A design characterized by shadows created by recesses.

The design is characterized by shading caused by depressions.

Diameter 1.7cm Thickness 0.2cm


K18 coating

Precautions Plated products and accessories made of precious metals are very delicate, so please be careful of the following points when using them.
・Metal fibers (especially silver-plated) may discolor. Please take good care of your hat.
Please avoid leaving it for a long time or using it together with spray perfume.
・Precious metals may cause allergic reactions such as itching and rashes depending on your constitution.
・Should you feel any abnormality on your skin, discontinue use and consult a specialist.
・Avoid wearing accessories while bathing, doing laundry, playing sports, etc., as they may harm your body.
・Because it has high heat conductivity, please avoid wearing it in hot or cold areas as it may cause burns or damage to the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
・Please be careful about storage so that infants do not drink it by mistake.
・When storing, it is recommended to store in an airtight container (plastic bag, etc.) or storage bag for accessories.